DinasEclipse Interview

Dinaseclipse Stops By And Talks With Us About Witchcraft, Black Metal, Anime And Why She Is In FIRSTPLACE! Read BelowCassidy Reese x October 9th, 2019 Dinaseclipse is exactly what you need for late nights staring out the window into the midnight mis…

Dinaseclipse Stops By And Talks With Us About Witchcraft, Black Metal, Anime And Why She Is In FIRSTPLACE! Read Below

Cassidy Reese x October 9th, 2019

Dinaseclipse is exactly what you need for late nights staring out the window into the midnight mist. Her discography goes from sinister beats with rage filled delivery to beautiful lofi instrumentals with mesmerizing chords, and Dinas’ soothing voice to compliment the faint atmosphere. Her spoken word poetry is riveting and thought provoking, and her rap lyrics are ghastly yet thrilling. But that is not all there is to this teenage girl from Las Vegas. She also paints and hosts an organization that helps people struggling with mental health share their story. To say the least, she’s in FIRSTPLACE!

Introduce yourself

 Hey I’m dina. I’m pretty cool i guess.

You’ve been Instagram famous for majority of your teenage years, how has social media affected your life?

Social Media can be really toxic. Because it was such a big part of me growing up , I learned how to take sh*t other people said and ignore it. I realize that a lot of it is just attention to people. And that some words you type or say on the internet can really impact the way people see you or themselves. It can really damage your mind and ego. On brighter notes, it’s helped me really understand people, and be a voice for so many other people like me. I’m able to talk to people and inspire people around the world at the tip of my fingers.

You balance many talents. Music, Poetry, Art and you have a platform for people struggling with mental health. How do you find time for everything and what is it like having your hand in so many baskets?

 I spend a lot of my time sleeping and working. I got a job in order to support all these talents without realizing that it would kill so much of the time I would have for it. I keep everything at an impulsive schedule. If i feel like working on art , I’ll bring my sketchbook with me throughout the day. If it’s poetry, I’ll bring my journal. If I feel like writing in my grimoire , i’ll bring around all my crystals and witch shit. It all depends on what I feel like doing. So i never force myself to do anything, which keeps my creativity skyrocketing.Its really stressful running a whole organization, managing a platform , writing books, working on music and making art at the same time at such a young age. 

Cartoons? Anime? Films? 

 I really love anime. It was all I’d invest my time and energy into when i was about 15-17. I would cut off school time just to get in a good episode of HxH. My favorites throughout my life have been Terror on Resonance, Death Parade, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, Elfen Lied , Another , and Deadman Wonderland of course.

You seem to have a very tight knit group of people you work with. Who are your favorite artists and producers to collab with?

 I’ve had to cut a lot of people off in my musical and friend group. Some of the people I’ve worked with have gotten a little too personal to the point where I felt uncomfortable working with them. My favorite artists in general are PYRXCITER and OKAMINOKAMI definitely. I’m also a huge fan of LEFTHANDLUCK. I like working with every producer that reaches out to me. A few of them include Kassgocrazy, Killfuneral , Alamo. Prod.Finesse, Clifford, Crmsyn , Eternal Raijin , and Maxo.

Do you believe in Aliens and the parallel universe?

Eh. It’s iffy. I believe in many different things . I practice witchcraft, yet i don’t believe in most of the things witches do. I feel as if everyone has lived the life of everyone else. Idk if that makes sense. Like when you die you take the form of someone else living. Like you’ve lived the life of  everyone you’ve come across. Everyone is you, and you are everyone. So the person reading this has been me before, etc. IDK , my mind is insane.

Favorite bands/artists right now?

 I’m a black metal fan so i’m really into Burzum, Mayhem , Darkthrone . I listen to a lot of deathcore mostly. So my all time favorite band is Black tongue , but Infant Annihilator is a runner up. My favorite artists at the moment are 83hades , okaminokami, lefthandluck, pyrxciter, prxjek, sickboyrari, zillakami, and kamiyada.

Anybody that follows you on instagram knows you and Okaminokami are inseparable. What’s the story behind you guys’ friendship?

The first time me and kami met was like 3 years ago when I wanted to start a band. So I had a meeting with Erin and Kami and some other people and it didn’t go anywhere. Almost a year later I invited kami over for the first time because I was chillin with a close friend who wanted to pierce my nose so we offered to pierce his. When she left , Kami wanted to do a photoshoot with me and we clicked so much , I felt so confident around him and safe. Over our relationship he’s always been by my side. We have a bond like no other. He’s been there at my worst days. He’s seen me during my episodes and he’s always been the one to stop them and to prevent me from doing stupid stuff to myself. I honestly think I would’ve committed suicide along time ago if I never met Kami. 

What are some common misconceptions about Dinaseclipse?

Bruh, idk what an egirl is but i do not want anything to do with them. A lot of people think i’m satanic. At one point in my life I was. But now i’m more spiritual and a nature worshipper. I used to be extremely forced christian once upon a time. A lot of people think I’m young because my voice . I’m not... i’m 300.  I get a lot of people thinking that i’m mean or start drama. I actually fucking hate all of that and stay away from it. I joke around and have a very dark sense of humor.

You’ve gathered a very large audience the past year on your soundcloud, what’s next? New project?

Yeah maybe. I might drop a whole poetry project and then that’ll be the final poems i do. I haven’t decided yet. 

Relationships are a recurring theme in your music. What is some advice you have for teenagers dealing with heartbreak?

Teens feen for heartbreak. it’s all they desire. at the end of the day most of us didn’t really care about the relationship, we just want to be heartbroken. people will come and go and reveal their true colors, even if it takes a year. When I came out of a very toxic relationship recently, I didn’t even feel broken, more relieved. All these years I’ve forced myself to fall in love knowing that it wasn’t what I wanted. But now I just congratulate people on their toxic breakups and move on. The only heartbreak i’ve really felt was the one when my mom died.

How was growing up in Vegas and how has it affected your upbringing?

Vegas is ok, The people here are really strange but i only like it because I like seeing the different kinds of people i pass by.

What inspires your personal style? Music, clothing, artistic vision etc… Who were some public figures you looked up to coming up.

When I was young I used to do ballet and hip hop. I always told my family that I wanted to be a rockstar one day. I’d dress myself up in neon high socks with designs on them, suspenders, a black sparkly skirt , and i’d spray temporary hair color in my hair. I would put sparkles on my face and as I grew up I’ve adapted this into my style , but the darker side of my look is just because I kinda don’t like being noticed, plus black reflects a lot of energy. I used to love Marilyn Manson growing up, then hated him for a while, So I would wear black because of him and would do weird makeup inspired by him. I also loved the movie Beetlejuice so a lot of my look came from there.

Why ‘eclipse’? Alias you randomly came up with or a deeper meaning?

 I came up with eclipse like 3 years ago because I began to study wicca and go more in depth with my spirituality. My mom was an extremely spiritual person before she passed, So I always believed that she was somewhere in the stars and whenever an eclipse would come by and darken up the sky, her star was the one that would shine brightest. 

Well that’s about it. Any parting words for readers?

 Stay young , college is dumb. yolo.

go away. email: dinaxjovero@gmail.com

Rene Ramirez