KillXora Interview

KillXora Stops by for a Interview and he is in FIRSTPLACE!Rene Ramirez x KillXoraKillXora is a emerging artists in this generations wave of depression and darkness being shown through music. With his atmospheric sounds and waves throughout his music…

KillXora Stops by for a Interview and he is in FIRSTPLACE!

Rene Ramirez x KillXora

KillXora is a emerging artists in this generations wave of depression and darkness being shown through music. With his atmospheric sounds and waves throughout his music, He has gained a cult following with his style of music. Depression and Heartbreak drives him 100% with his music and because of that. He has found his own wave and is in FIRSTPLACE!

Introduce Yourself


hi I’m xora and my dick’s shaped like an iPhone 5


How did you get the name "KillXora" Was there any moment in life that really steered your mind to that name?


Finding a name for myself was the hardest thing for me as an artist. I’m a really big kingdom hearts fan and Roxas and Sora are my favorite characters so I sorta mixed both names together and came up with xora. The kill part of my name comes from how many people want to kill me but they can’t. The only person who can kill xora is xora 


How did you get started with music? What inspired you to start?


music has been a part of my life ever since I was born. I started music as a joke at first but my first song was doing pretty well so I said fuck it. Soundcloud and its artists (2015-2016) inspired me and still does


From listening to your music I notice this theme of heartbreak. Why is that? what drives you to make music about heartbreak?


because I'm a virgin and I can't get any :(


Besides music, Do you have any movies or tv shows or even anime that also inspire your process of music?


I watch a lot of movies but I’m mostly an anime nerd, I watch way too much anime for my own good. It’s like a whole new universe its an escape from reality and I sometimes like to create my own universe through my music using anime.


I notice that you have a great style when it comes to clothing, How do you differentiate yourself from others when it comes to how you dress?


The internet is my biggest inspo when it comes to clothing myself. I don’t copy I feed off of what I have already seen and I make my own version of it.


Back to music, Your from Ontario, Canada, How do you differentiate yourself from other artists in the city when it comes to your music?


take this however you want it but I come from a small city and most of the artist in my city all sound exactly the same, I like to experiment with different sounds I’m very versatile I can do anything.


How was it growing up in Ontario Canada? How did it shape you as the artist that you are today?

growing up in Ontario was and still is the hardest thing for me because I don’t fit in anywhere and I don’t really have any friends. It shaped me as an artist because I learnt self-sufficiency, self-support and self-dependency.


When I listen to your music I get this feeling of darkness, So When it comes to the process of making music what setting do you prefer to be in, With friends, Alone? Explain your process of making music


I do everything by myself. Mix, mastering, recording etc… I hate recording around other people because I am very self-conscious, I also only record at night time... I really don’t know why but I feel more comfortable.


"The Black Cauldron" how did that song come along and how was it working with Zillakami?


He left his computer unintended hehe 


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


I can’t foresee the future but hopefully in a pool of gravy


Why do you deserve to be in FIRSTPLACE?


in the few couple months I will show the people why I deserve first place ;)


Any parting words for the readers?


13a you only miss only 100% of the shots you don't shoot

It wasn't enough. It's never enough.

Rene Ramirez