"From Rapping to Fashion: The Visionary Journey of DC, Founder of "Ball Forever Clothing"

Photo by Rene Ramirez

Meet the creative force behind "Ball Forever Clothing," DC, a young visionary who's pushing the Bay Area fashion and music scene. With a slogan that resonates with the patience and determination of a high school student chasing their dreams, "Stay Down Ball Forever," DC shares his journey and the universal message that success is achievable when you stay committed and grind it out. In this exclusive interview, we dive into the inspiration behind his brand and music, the influence of his Bay Area roots, and his unique approach to creating clothing and music that's all about expressing feelings and experiences. Get ready to discover a world of style and sound through the eyes of this rising talent.


Can you tell us about the inspiration behind "Ball Forever Clothing" and what sets it apart from other clothing brands?

Ball Forever Clothing is based on the words "stay down, ball forever." I say "words" because it's not a movement nor is it a group; it's a lifestyle that is based on those exact words. As long as you're willing to be patient for your end result, you will be able to achieve it. I've been through times where I wanted to rush to where I already know I'm going instead of just doing what I need to do with the intent of knowing it will pay off.

How did growing up in the Bay Area influence your fashion and music style?

None at all, honestly. I feel like I am the style that I'm creating. Growing up in the Bay pushed me to be different from what I see because a lot of people get caught up in what's around them and forget to be themselves.

You mentioned that you also make music. Could you share a bit about your music journey and the genre you specialize in?

I'm a poet, and I don't categorize myself in any genre. I express how I feel in a way that people can understand or resonate with. I've been doing music since 2020, on and off. I never used it as a platform to express myself until more recently, but I will release a lot of new music for people to judge.

Photo by Rene Ramirez

It's been four months since your last music video upload. Can you give us a sneak peek into what you've been working on during this time?

There will be a new tape dropping by October 20th and a few more projects following up. I have a few videos also in store. I wanted to reintroduce myself to the rap world, so I took a break. The comeback is always more fun, anyway. It's how I look at it. Would you rather be woken up or do the waking up? Just put it like that.

How do you balance running a clothing brand and pursuing a music career? Are there any overlaps between the two that you've found?

It was definitely challenging at a point due to the fact that I like to be consistent, so I would have problems choosing between which one to pursue. Now, I have both where I want them to be, so I can balance them perfectly fine.

Photo by Rene Ramirez

What's your creative process like when it comes to designing new clothing items or composing music?

Everything I do is based on how I feel, whether it's music or clothing. All of my music is off the top of my head, non-written, so it's all just naturally what I'm thinking at the moment. My clothes are based on the color tone I'm feeling or an expression I'm feeling. For example, I have a drop soon called "Lost Individuals," which is more about people who feel alone. It's based on me feeling alone but feeling okay with being alone, and also understanding that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Sometimes feeling lost isn't permanent, but people tend to forget that they aren't the only ones feeling lost.

"Stay Down Ball Forever" is a powerful slogan. What does it mean to you, and how does it relate to your brand and music?

It means to be patient and to understand that if you want to achieve any goal or accomplish whatever it is you have in store, it takes time, but it doesn’t take forever. As long as you keep grinding, you can achieve anything you dream of. In other words, dreams are a reality if you're willing to take the time to achieve them. "Ball forever" is just a universal term for being at the top or the peak of whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.

Photo by Rene Ramirez

Are there any artists or designers who have been particularly influential in your creative journey?

My brother is an influence; he’s been an artist forever. Other than that, I'm just taking it day by day, letting things happen naturally. As far as my influence, I use my losses or the people who are asleep on me as motivation to keep going and never stop.

Can you share any upcoming projects, collaborations, or new releases in the pipeline for "Ball Forever Clothing" or your music career?

I have a few tapes and a few different drops for Ball Forever Clothing. First, I have the acid-washed puff print zip-ups, and then I have some new releases under the names "Lost Individuals" and "Better Off Alone."

Photo by Rene Ramirez

How do you handle challenges or setbacks in your creative endeavors, and what advice would you give to aspiring musicians and fashion entrepreneurs?

Challenges are only challenges if you make them so. I embrace all my setbacks and challenges because without them, there would be no room for growth. Every day is a new day; you can never get yesterday back. I live as a battery, which means in order to function, I need positives and negatives, and I understand that there is none without the other.

In the world of fashion and music, trends can change quickly. How do you stay relevant and continue to evolve your brand and music to meet the demands of your audience?

I feel like there is always somebody willing to support and watch you. As long as you put yourself out there consistently and put your best foot forward, you’ll always be relevant to somebody. I never worry about who is watching or how relevant I am, as long as someone is watching and I'm relevant, if that makes sense.

Photo by Rene Ramirez

Why do you deserve to be in FIRSTPLACE?

I'm counted out to this day, and no matter how many times I've been put last, I've never given up on the race and never will!

Photo by Rene Ramirez

DC is in FirstPlace! Check out his clothing brand “Ball Forever Clothing” at
Ball Forever Clothing

Rene Ramirez