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KassGoCrazy! Interview

Up and Coming Producer KassGoCrazy Talks with us about his future and why hes in FIRSTPLACE!. Read Below!

Introduce yourself.

Sup I'm Kass, I'm from New Jersey and I'm really good at making waffles.

Where did you get the name kassgocrazy?.

honestly i don't even know. like I just thought of it and it seemed like it fit. It was my name before I started making beats, but it works out because now people be like "damn kass really do go crazy".

What got you into producing?.

I've wanted to make beats since the summer of 2016. I fell in love with underground trap and lofi music on soundcloud. I was like 12 back then so I didn't even know about FL Studio or any of that shit. I just knew I wanted to do it. So fast forward to May 2018 I downloaded the FL Studio demo on my shitty $200 laptop and the rest is history. Some people might know but my dad is a rapper so that might where some of the "talent" comes from lmao.

Any influences when it comes to producing? and why?

My biggest influences in producing is every producer that produced all the songs I love from that summer in 2016. SenseiATL, TheGoodPerry, MexikoDro, and Metro of course. They all inspired my sound and what I like heavily. I shit my pants when I heard Remember December by Wintertime. I've tried to recreate the feeling of that beat ever since I started lmao.

But for my current inspirations they would have to be Mixed Matches, Ginseng, Lukratiive and the homie KillFuneral.

How have you differentiated yourself from other producers but also been able to work with artists from all around the country?.

Man I literally can't copy people. Like even when I try to it still sounds unique, like I made it. So originality was never really an issue for me fortunately. I just try to make shit that I would wanna listen to. I literally find all the artists I work with on accident, if I find an artist that I see potential in I just send them shit and hope for the best. Nobody from my hometown really fucks with my music so I just work with people from all over the place.

When it comes to sampling? What do you like to sample? Old music? Video games? Or do you like creating sounds on your own?.

If I do decide to sample I try to find weird obscure shit I haven't heard before. I have sampled a lot of video games and anime but everybody has done them all already smh. I usually make all my own melodies tho. I feel like it's more personal that way.

Where are you most comfortable when producing? Is there a certain place you have to be when producing?

I've never really made that many beats anywhere besides my bedroom lmao. If the internet is good and the chair is comfortable then I'm good for the most part. Hopefully going to some studios before the year is over tho.

Do you have a motive for your upcoming career in producing? And why?.

The main thing I want to do with my career is to inspire people like I people inspired me when I first started doing this shit. Like hopefully one day I produce a song and it inspires some kid to start making beats.

Do you have any collabs? Or any projects on the way?.

I'm working on a tape with DeathOfPedro right now, he's legit my fav rapper right now so I'm hyped for that. I'm also working on more songs with DinasEclipse and Liek Dinero.

Anything you want to say for your supporters?.

Thanks to everybody who even slightly gives a fuck about my music and supports in any kind of way. And shoutout to Rene for the interview this is sick! GANG!

Well theres the intro to KassGoCrazy For a lot of people. Expect to see him In FIRSTPLACE very soon. IF you want to listen to any of his beats or any of the songs he has produced for other artists listen below!

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