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ZodiakWorld Interview

ZodiakWorld Stops by for a interview and he is in FIRSTPLACE! Read Below!

Cassidy Reese x October 25th, 2019

What do you consider success? Money? Cars? Jewelry? According to Zodiak it’s doing what you love no matter what anybody has to say. He’s only 16 and he’s accomplishing things that some artists don’t see in a lifetime. The Minnesota native has amassed hundreds of thousands of plays the past year and has rocked more crowds than you count. He’s worked with prevalent talents like Pi’erre Bourne, Goyxrd, Areyoudeaf and countless other top artists in the underground. Apart from his musical success, he also models and produces music for himself and others. To say the least, he’s fearless and ions beyond his time in all aspects of art, and you can never quite calculate his next move. He’s currently in LA working on a new project and new visuals. Don’t sleep on him, he’s in FIRSTPLACE!

Introduce yourself.

iight I’m zodiak (zo) I’m from Minnesota and we lit 

You’re from Minnesota, what was it like growing up there? Is seasonal depression real?

 Growing up there like growing up everywhere else i guess, me and my mom moved hella when I was little switched schools hella and shit. Seasonal depression real forreal. Good thing imma be gone most of winter. 

What is one thing you love about Minnesota?

Everyone supportive for the most part out there it’s cool as hell. Doing shows in MN be the funniest shit to do out there.

You’re only 16, how have you been able to establish yourself in the underground music scene at such a young age?

Bro I’ve been doing this shit for so long like since I was 12 type shit. And i don’t know, just being In group chats and doing shows since I was like 14 so I’m  lowkey an OG but not cause I’m still 16 *laughs*. 

What are some common misconceptions about Zodiak?

 Niggas be thinking I’m old as hell like 20 or something haha. I tell them I’m 16 and they like nah you lying.

You reference drugs a lot in your music, what is your advice to any teenager dealing with drug abuse?

 If you gon’ do drugs at least be smart. I’ve never taken a street xan or perc, only scripts from the doc. But even if you take the real shit that shit can consume u fast asl so just be smart I only advertise smoking gas yea I do other shit but that’s me you know. I don’t want niggas walking round dumb off the xan. 

Who are some of your favorite artists and producers to collaborate with?

 I like working with Dom Armani, Magz and some other people. I don’t really like to collaborate unless I fw u on a personal level. Producer wise I like working with areyoudeaf a lot, I’ve been fucking with him for years. Goyxrd, wifi, gunlock and more. There’s too many.

What is your creative process? What does a studio session with Zodiak look like?

My process simple as hell. I Smoke then listen to beats until I find one I’m in the mood for then I just hop on the mic and let out everything that’s on my mind. 

What are three things you absolutely NEED to have in the studio?

Need to have gas in the Stu. Good lighting so I can feel the vibes. (literally can’t record if it’s too light in the room) and some cold water. 

A little off topic but, do you u believe in aliens? Alternate universes?

 Duh, bra u see all them stars? There’s definitely aliens with all them exploded suns no cap.

What are some things you enjoy doing besides music?

 I like clothes a lot, like when I put on a fye fit it just makes me feel good. It gives me a high same way music does. When I fly home I’m gonna start on a collection all 1of1.

You currently have a girlfriend, what is the secret to a healthy relationship?

 Communication is key but sometimes that don’t work cause people are stupid I guess. I’m lucky because it’s almost been a year.

What do you value more in a friendship, loyalty or honesty?

Shit that’s hard because I lowkey value both the same. But for friends probably honesty because i know my guys ain’t gon’ switch. 

Most romantic thing you’ve done?

Suckin toes 

What is it like being friends with artists like Lerado and Magz? 

Shit crazy. I learned a lot from Lerado cause I met him when I was like 13 or 14 and I saw him from the beginning to now, shit crazy. Me n magz just be cracking jokes the whole time every time we hangout, he’s funny as hell.

Who’s underrated in the underground music scene right now?


What is 1600? 

A group of fye ass artists and producers making fye ass shit tryna help each other reach the top.

What’s next for you? 

I just shot two videos so those are coming soon. I’m thinking about making a project when I come home from LA. right now I’m just gathering producers cuz I’m tryna make something totally new.

Well that’s about it, any parting words for readers?

Do what you are passionate about, don’t worry about what people think. They’re lames anyway.

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